February Workshop: Establishing a Culture of Philanthropy Including Managing to Create this Culture
Friday, February 16, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CST
Category: Events
Establishing a Culture of Philanthropy Including Managing to Create this Culture
Friday, February 16, 2024 12:00 - 1:00 pm Virtual on Zoom
We all speak about a desire to build a culture of philanthropy at our organizations. Join us for a virtual workshop that will help organizations define a culture of philanthropy, provide examples of how a culture of philanthropy was created and is maintained, and also provide guideposts that you might consider implementing internally and externally to build or improve your own culture of philanthropy at your organization.
Renee Davis, MNM, CFRE, Consultant view bio
Amy O'Leary, Executive Director Youth Services of Glenview/Northbrook view bio
Lisa Hanneman, Development Director Youth Services of Glenview/Northbrook view bio
Members: $20 Nonmembers: $30
This event is approved for 1 CFRE point.